Monday 12 September 2016

Grand Expectations

First of all, I want to apologise for not posting yesterday. I've been super busy all weekend with New York Fashion Week, which I'll tell you all about in my next blog post. So here's my Sunday blog post a day late - oops!

A lot of people keep asking me what it's like to live in New York and if it's what I expected, but it's actually a really hard question to answer. As soon as you enter New York you just get swept up by everything and kind of forget what you thought the city would be like. In many ways New York looks and feels a lot like London. When you're in a city that speaks the same language as you, eats a lot of the same food as you and has the same shops that you have, it's easy to feel right at home. 

I think one of the biggest misconceptions about New York is that it's a really glamorous city and everyone who lives here is rich and famous. Of course, if you go to the nice areas of New York it begins to feel like what you see in the movies, but hang around midtown Manhattan for a day and you'll notice how dirty and smelly the city really is, and that it's mostly home to normal working class people who don't work particularly glamorous jobs. 
That also goes for the style around here. Being one of the fashion capitals of the world, you'd expect to see lots of fashion-type people strutting around in heels, but New York style (in my opinion) feels a couple of years behind the UK.

I'm grateful for living in Brooklyn Heights, as it provides a nice break from the city. The high rise buildings in Manhattan can make the everything feel very enclosed, so walking round Brooklyn feels like a breath of fresh air. And I'm pretty sure Lena Dunham and Sarah Jessica Parker live in this neighbourhood, so that's a bonus.

Something I never expected to enjoy about New York was all the tourist activities, as I find sightseeing super dull. But time and time again I have been proved wrong by this city. I still haven't done that many touristy things, but of what I have done, I can definitely say that Top of The Rock and walking over Brooklyn Bridge are definitely worth it. And if you go to Times Square, go at night! 

And finally the weather, something us Brits just love to talk about. Admittedly, when I came to New York in the winter, I came prepared. Apart from my face, not an inch of my skin was exposed to the sub zero temperatures, so I didn't complain too much. But the summer is something else. While you might enjoy the 34 degree weather when you're holidaying in Greece, temperatures that high are completely different in New York. The humidity is insane! I've given up on straightening my hair as it never lasts, and makeup is a waste of time because the subway stations ensure that you leave with a face dripping with sweat (I'm not joking). Your most expensive matte powder can't save you now!

Sometimes I don't think New York is all it's hyped up to be, but then other times I find myself blown away by this amazing city. Enter with an open mind and you won't be disappointed.

Check back on Wednesday to find out what I got up to as part of NYFW.

Aderyn x

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