Sunday 4 September 2016

Yes Please

I purchased this book just before I went to Malta for a family break, as I knew I'd need something to keep me distracted on the flight and accompany me to the beach. I'll be honest... I haven't seen that much of Amy Poehler's work, but after watching Sisters and declaring it the funniest film I have ever seen, I could tell I would love her. 

This book was such a lovely, easy read. Nothing super crazy happens, yet I couldn't find myself putting the book down. Maybe I'm just nosey, but I love reading articles online or in magazines that are simply about other people's lives, and how they got to be where they are today. In my hand, I had 300+ pages of this, so as you can probably tell this was an absolute dream. 

I love how real Amy Peohler comes across in this book. She's honest and witty and doesn't try to sugar coat things. Yes Please is filled with old photos, hand written notes and kind words from other amazing people which all give this scrapbook-style autobiography even more of a personal touch. 

There are so many quotes I could pull from Amy Poehler to live my life by. Any modern woman with big ambitions and a career driven mind can definitely relate to so much in this book. If you fancy a witty and relatable read, then I'd seriously recommend checking out Amy Poehler's Yes Please! I am now in love with her.

Lots of love to Amy Poehler! 
Aderyn x


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